Happy Derby Weekend!

First ham radio digipeater at MEO to remain in service:

AMSAT Italia is proud to announce the acquisition of the quote of property of the IO-117 “GreenCube” satellite. The other part of the property remains on behalf of “Sapienza University”, Rome, Italy. A collaborative work of the parts will let the satellite continue the amateur radio operations after the completion of the primary scientific mission. This will definitively avert the satellite decommissioning process by transferring the legal responsibility of the satellite from the Italian Space Agency to AMSAT Italia.

Santa Barbara Amateur Radio Club facing displacement after 50 years on the Mesa.

Bob Wilson, N6TV posted photos he snapped during the 2024 International DX Convention held last month in Visalia.

Audacy has filed for the cancellation of the FCC license for KDWN-AM, known at the end of its life as “The Talk of Las Vegas.” The longtime talk station is better known as the original signal where Art Bell started West Coast AM, which would become Coast to Coast AM. The station originally signed on on April 7, 1975. Starting as an overnight shift in 1983, Art Bell’s discussion of the paranormal and conspiracy theories alongside politics boosted the show’s popularity, leading to its national syndication in 1993.

The Editorial Board of the IEEE Open Journal of Antennas and Propagation (OJAP) is looking for proposals for special sections on topics relevant to an emerging field of growing interest.

Boeing whistleblower from Kansas is 2nd to die in past 2 months. Hmmmmmm. Too soon?

UFOs above Boise? Six reports since 2023 — see them here. West leads U.S. in ‘sightings’

Bump in the Night Society members are a “bunch of weirdos” who love the paranormal.

Notable - The HamPi16 is a 16 band LF/HF/VHF Amateur Radio project for the home constructor. Gimme Five reloaded, a compact 5-band QRP SSB transceiver. New SDR from the Ukrainian company RigExpert. The RX-only USB3.0 SDR is called ‘FobosSDR’ and it has a 100 kHz to 6 GHz tuning range, 50 MHz of bandwidth, and 14-bit resolution. The Harbach Electronics company is changing hands.